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“Emma”  — a play directed by our artist in residence Mikita Ilyinchyk at Komuna Warszawa will be premiered on 26 and 27 May 2023 at 7 pm.

︎︎︎ Text and direction: Mikita Ilyinchyk
︎︎︎ Translation: Agnieszka Lubomira Piotrowska
︎︎︎ Production designer: Alexander Adamau
︎︎︎ Video: Aliaksandra Kononchenko
︎︎︎ Lighting: Siarhei Rylko
︎︎︎ Video projection: Pavel Gerasimchik
︎︎︎ Producer: Sara Tokina
︎︎︎ Stage manager: Anastasija Malchyk

Komuna Warszawa
Fundacja Humanosh im. Sławy i Izka Wołosiańskich

The text and performance "Emma" is the fourth edition of the work of the Belarusian playwright and director Mikita Ilyinchyk in Poland. The main inspiration of the text is the idea of "profit in time of war". This idea has its own artistic history: B. Brecht and his play "Mother Courage"  — written after World War II, telling the story of a woman who travels around Europe during the "Thirty Years' War" and sells things to the needy. In this way, Brecht's heroine seems to live thanks to the war. The author's goal is to create a text and a performance that touches on this topic and is related to the true history of our times. The drama deals with the topic of contemporary European society, specifically Poles. The main character is Emma, an immigrant from Belarus, the owner of a construction company in Warsaw. All the construction workers who work for her are refugees who came to Poland from the former eastern borderlands. Thanks to them, she runs her own, thriving business.

The essence of the project is not a political statement, but an attempt to present the characters from the psychological side. In the foreground is the story of a woman  — her loneliness and transformation, and the political and social contexts are only the background. And of course, the subject of business at war. The text is based on a true story of a family living in Warsaw. The author's task was to transform this situation into an artistic form touching all the problems related to the situation in this family. The play also aims to show topics related to the situation of immigrants from the East in Poland.

May 26th, 2023

Х Letters

«Х Letters» — the project of our artists in residency at Musik der Jahrhunderte (Stuttgart) will be shown as part of the festival "Die Grenzen" in Berlin.

May 16th, 2023

Residency and cultural exchange project PerspAKTIV for artists and cultural workers from Belarus