On December 13, the opening of the exhibition of Alexander Belsky "Nemesis" took place

Check out the photo report of how it was!

Photo credits: Anna Limantava

Aliaksandr Belsky's exhibition Nemesish is a visualization of a mythological scenario unfolding in the present time. The title refers to the divine intervention by Nemesis as a consequence of man's violation of the world order, and is at the same time an ironic commentary of the artist on the futile and unwarranted hope for the restoration of justice. The project includes paintings and multimedia works, some of which were created as part of the project PerspAKTIV during his residency at Schloss Wiepersdorf.

The project PerspAKTIV aims to support repressed Belarusian artists and the cultural scene in exile. Belsky is one of the numerous artists in Belarus who was listed by the Ministry of Culture as "unreliable" and forced to leave the country in 2022. He lives and works in Berlin.

The exhibition is realized with financial support of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany. #civilsocietycooperation

Exhibition hours: 18.12.2022 - 08.01.2023
︎︎︎ Mon.-Fri. 17:00 - 20:00
︎︎︎ Sat.-Sun. 11:00 - 20:00

Winter Holiday Break: 
24.12.22 - 26.12.22 & 31.12.22 - 01.01.23

Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, 10178 Berlin
(HdS, Block Otto)

December 22, 2022

Sieć rezydencji i wymiany kulturalnej PerspAKTIV dla białoruskich artystów_ek i działaczy_ek kultury